What is pupil voice in Scoil Chiaráin you might ask??? When the school community listen to the views, wants/wishes and experiences of all the school community. This happened this week in Scoil Chiaráin.

Presenting the very active - Active Committee (stricking their best pose!). The active committee were due to meet last Friday but due to #feelgoodfriday the opportunity passed for our meeting to take place. During the week various members of the active committee approached the teacher members of the active committee to enquire when the meeting could take place. Today was the day. Members of the active meeting were called to meet this morning at 10.15.
The meeting took the lead from the active committee pupil members following a discussion amongst themselves. Some members of the committee had been talking and discussing what could be done with the yard games during big yard. Two of the members spoke about their discussions and thought that what was needed was a survey of games for the yard. There was a feeling that all the pupils were not really engaging in the games and that they needed to change them. They thought a survey was needed. Once this was noted there was agreement amongst all present. The next point to decide was when this would take place - options being today or Monday. Thoughts on the options were shared with today winning the majority of the votes. It was decided to complete the work today so that the information could be reviewed and the potential new games could start on Monday. The progress brought smiles to the room.

The election of enumerators took place and they set off at 11.00 to take the survey of those classes that were in the school. Once the enumerators completed their role they passed the results onto the elected tellers to review the collected surveys and tally the numbers.

It was a serious job with the need of a calculator - there was no room for errors!! After careful checking we had our results of the survey - verified and checked with the announcement to be made at the 2nd active school committee meeting of the day in the afternoon.

There was a sense of excitement in the room with the announcement of the results and even a little cheer around the room. The last point of business was to assign active committee members to the new games for the week ahead.
The active committee had a very productive day today with plans in place for the yard games next week. It was great to see the active committee follow our golden rules this week and their values - kindness, respect, hardworking and community.
This is one example of what pupil voice looks like in Scoil Chiaráin - placing value on what the pupils tell school staff about their experiences, having their voice heard and having their thoughts come into action #yourock