The role of the Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) is to encourage, support and facilitate partnerships between parents and the school (teachers, support teachers, management) to enhance the education of their children. Our HSCL works with parents in many different ways to develop their capacity as a key resource in their children’s learning.
Our HSCL is shared between our school and the girls school next door and supports families as their children transition from early years to primary, from the girls school to Scoil Chiaráin and from primary to post-primary.
Parent involvement in the school community is a major focus for our HSCL and they organise classes for parents, some of which are leisure activities for fun (eg. Crafts - Jewellery making, embroidery, Seasonal (Halloween, Christmas and Easter) crafts classes, fitness classes, mindfulness classes, healthy cooking classes) and others that develop skills or are for personal development (Parenting courses, First Aid, Literacy). These are run in conjunction with the girls school and are run either in the well being room in Scoil Chiaráin, the Craobh Chiaráin hall and the parents room in Our Lady of Consolation.
Our HSCL makes home visits to families for many varied reasons including attendance issues and liaises with outside agencies including Tusla Education Support Service (TESS) and the Education Welfare Service (EWS) and School Completion Programme (SCP) and Child and Family Support Network (CFSN).