Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities play a major role in the education of children in Scoil Chiaráin. As well as the active school activities such as G.A.A, athletics, swimming, skipping and dance, all students get the opportunity to partake in a variety of other activities also.
The arts is another area of great importance in our school. We take part in bodhrán lessons, ukulele lessons, carol singing at Christmas, hip hop lessons and a musical production every second year.
There are many after school clubs available for the children to take part in such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Club, Club Gaeilge, bodhrán club and many more.
We are very lucky that our school is in close proximity to the teacher training college, Marino Institute of Education. This means that we have student teachers in regularly to 2nd and 3rd class to do story telling lessons and we all get a chance to go do fantastic P.E lessons with the lecturers and student teachers in the college sports hall.
Sixth Class also run a number of events during the school such as our annual Scoil Chiaráin's Got Talent show, the S.V.P Christmas fair and other activities for the boys to take part in throughout the year. We also have a great student's council who do fantastic work in our school all year long.